Posts Tagged ‘aperture’

Exposure Compensation

The camera’s metering system will sometimes determine the wrong exposure value needed to correctly expose the image. This can be corrected by the “EV Compensation” feature found in prosumer and professional cameras. Typically the EV compensation ranges from -2.0 EV to +2.0 EV with adjustments in steps of 0.5 or 0.3 EV. Some digital SLRs […]


The exposure is the amount of light received by the sensor and is determined by how wide you open the lens diaphragm (aperture) and by how long you keep the sensor exposed (shutterspeed). The effect an exposure has depends on the sensitivity of the sensor (ISO sensitivity). Accredited online photography schools can teach you more […]


Aperture refers to the size of the opening in the lens that determines the amount of light falling onto the sensor. The size of the opening is controlled by an adjustable diaphragm of overlapping blades similar to the pupils of our eyes. Aperture affects exposure and depth of field. Successive apertures halve the amount of […]

Lesson 22: Conclusions

I will conclude this first beginner tutorial with some basic ideas that you need to have in mind when taking photos, so that you will be satisfied with the final result. What goes through your mind in the moments as you raise your digital camera up to take a shot and before you press the […]

Lesson 12: Semi Automatic and Fully Manual Modes

APERTURE PRIORITY MODE (A or AV): This mode is really a semi-automatic (or semi-manual) mode where you choose the aperture and the camera chooses the shutter speed so as to ensure you have a well balanced exposure. Aperture priority mode is useful when you’re looking to control the depth of field in a shot (usually […]